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How To Make Fog City In Little Alchemy 2

Little Alchemy 2 Cheats

How to Craft Fog in Little Alchemy 2


Fog, a mysterious and alluring natural phenomenon, has captivated the imaginations of humans for centuries. In the realm of Little Alchemy 2, a captivating game of elemental combination, players can harness the power of alchemy to create this enigmatic atmospheric wonder.

Methods to Craft Fog

Method 1: City + Smoke

In the bustling metropolis of Little Alchemy 2, the fumes of industry can mingle with the city's towering structures to create a thick, smoggy fog. By combining the elements "City" and "Smoke," players can witness the transformation firsthand.

Method 2: Air + Temperature

As the warm air encounters the chilly atmosphere, it condenses to form a blanket of fog. By combining the elements "Air" and "Temperature," players can recreate this natural process in the virtual world of Little Alchemy 2.

Method 3: Water + Temperature

Water, in its gaseous form, can also contribute to the formation of fog. When the elements "Water" and "Temperature" are combined, they create steam, which upon cooling, can condense into a misty fog.


Fog, once an elusive force of nature, has become a tangible element in Little Alchemy 2. Whether it shrouds a bustling city or blankets the landscape in an ethereal embrace, fog adds an air of mystery and wonder to the game. With these three methods, players can harness the power of alchemy to create their own fog-filled atmospheres.

Little Alchemy 2 Cheats
